Bio-Medical Waste Management

/Bio-Medical Waste Management

  Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) strictly adheres to Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) Management Rules 2016, published by Government of India (Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change)

 All necessary steps are taken to ensure that BMW is handled without any adverse effect to human health & the environment

 PIMS ensures occupational safety of employee & other health care workers involved in handling of BMW by providing appropriate and adequate Personal Protective Equipments

  PIMS has earmarked a safe, ventilated & secured location within the premises for storage of segregated BMW in prescribed colored bags. This is done in the manner as specified in Schedule I, to ensure that there shall be no secondary handling, pilferage of recyclables or inadvertent scattering or spillage

 Pre-treatment of laboratory waste, microbiological waste, blood samples and blood bags  is done through disinfection on-site in the manner as prescribed by the WHO /NACO guidelines & these are then sent to the common BMW treatment facility for final disposal

  All health care workers/employees have been provided training with respect to BMW management rules

  All health care workers are immunized against diseases including Hepatitis B & Tetanus, in the manner as prescribed in the National Immunization Policy /guidelines of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare issued from time to time

 PIMS ensures segregation of liquid chemical/liquid waste at source, its pre-treatment /neutralization & disposal in accordance with the Water (Prevention & control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974)

Environmental Clearance under EIA - PPCB

Monthly Report - 2024

Month Yellow Category Red Category White Category (Translucent) Blue Category Total Bio-Medical Waste
January 576kg.83gms 1137kg.86gms 14kg.23gms 260kg.22gms 1989kg.14gms
February 609kg.75gms 1236kg.53gms 12kg.38gms 308kg.20gms 2166kg.86gms
March 600kg.04gms 1333kg.8gms 17kg.7gms 383kg.4gms 2334kg.94gms
April 672kg.87gms 1188kg.5gms 15kg.10gms 342kg.37gms 2218kg.84gms
May 1014kg.19gms 1464kg.39 gms 15kg.20gms 425kg.10gms 2918kg.8gms
June 697kg.4gms 1751kg.7gms 20kg.3gms 381kg.0gms 2850kg.4gms

Monthly Report - 2023

Month Yellow Category Red Category White Category (Translucent) Blue Category Total Bio-Medical Waste
January 656kg.2gms 1008kg.2gms 9kg.65gms 363kg.01gms 2037kg.06gms
February 676kg.9gms 1025kg.8gms 5kg.77gms 389kg.2gms 2097kg.67gms
March 631kg.1gms 1264kg.0gms 14kg.56gms 417kg.5gms 2327kg.16gms
April 594kg.25gms 1120kg.31gms 14kg.71gms 358kg.83gms 2088kg.1gms
May 636kg.1gms 1273kg.8gms 17kg.69gms 398kg.00gms 2325kg.59gms
June 631kg.97gms 1214kg.24gms 16kg.07gms 446kg.29gms 2308kg.57gms
July 901kg.52gms 1340kg.15gms 15kg.43gms 427kg.13gms 2760kg.5gms
August 1120kg.15gms 1538kg.01gms 16kg.82gms 529kg.08gms 3204kg.06gms
September 876kg.20gms 1638kg.95gms 28kg.62gms 537kg.92gms 3081kg.69gms
October 662kg.71gms 1593kg.64gms 16kg.32gms 480kg.00gms 2752kg.67gms
November 623kg.50gms 1356kg.59gms 14kg.02gms 335kg.31gms 2329kg.42gms
December 554kg.07gms 1321kg.18gms 10kg.38gms 266kg.77gms 2152kg.4gms

Annual Report of Biomedical Waste (1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023)

Monthly Report - 2022

Month Yellow Category Red Category White Category (Translucent) Blue Category Total Bio-Medical Waste
January 440kg.2gms 969kg.3gms 9kg.46gms 189kg.15gms 1608kg.11gms
February 612kg.27gms 868kg.01gms 10kg.83gms 219kg.99gms 1711kg.1gms
March 606kg.75gms 1125kg.16gms 13kg.66gms 310kg.9gms 2056kg.47gms
April 771kg.7gms 1029kg.3gms 18kg.7gms 261kg.8gms 2081kg.5gms
May 785kg.8gms 1229kg.1gms 13kg.53gms 350kg.2gms 2378kg.6gms
June 855kg.8gms 1328kg.15gms 12kg.78gms 388kg.64gms 2585kg.37gms
July 776kg.5gms 1351kg.9gms 18kg.16gms 432kg.6gms 2579kg.16gms
August 811kg.68gms 1322kg.0gms 12kg.54gms 387kg.10gms 2533kg.32gms
September 657kg.3gms 1447kg.5gms 18kg.14gms 464kg.08gms 2587kg.02gms
October 989kg.3gms 1297kg.3gms 14kg.64gms 413kg.01gms 2714kg.28gms
November 806kg.9gms 1165kg.6gms 32kg.17gms 347kg.9gms 2352kg.57gms
December 727kg.9gms 911kg.8gms 19kg.06gms 307kg.64gms 1966kg.4gms

Monthly Report - 2021

Month Yellow Category Red Category White Category (Translucent) Blue Category Total Bio-Medical Waste
January 569kg.67gms 618kg.31gms 10kg.3gms 269kg.56gms 1467kg.84gms
February 554kg.41gms 536kg.37gms 8kg.8gms 111kg.55gms 1211kg.13gms
March 550kg.17gms 560kg.5gms 15kg.52gms 84kg.13gms 1210kg.32gms
April 486kg.7gms 617kg.06gms 8kg.3gms 127kg.85gms 1239kg.91gms
May 483kg.41gms 609kg.81gms 4kg.65gms 143kg.33gms 1241kg.2gms
June 481kg.72gms 913kg.4gms 7kg.81gms 189kg.67gms 1592kg.6gms
July 723kg.6gms 1120kg.4gms 29kg.07gms 289kg.51gms 2162kg.58gms
August 765kg.34gms 1168kg.90gms 12kg.07gms 323kg.37gms 2269kg.68gms
September 852kg.74gms 1242kg.02gms 12kg.77gms 346kg.96gms 2454kg.49gms
October 739kg.01gms 1460kg.38gms 9kg.38gms 384kg.7gms 2593kg.47gms
November 714kg.66gms 1106kg.12gms 15kg.34gms 251kg.4gms 2087kg.52gms
December 614kg.00gms 1162kg.33gms 10kg.14gms 263kg.62gms 2050kg.45gms

Monthly Report - 2020

Month Yellow Category Red Category White Category (Translucent) Blue Category Total Bio-Medical Waste
January 579kg.55gms 436kg.82gms 5kg.00gms 300kg.00gms 1321kg.37gms
February 713kg.95gms 510kg.55gms 3kg.00gms 412kg.15gms 1639kg.65gms
March 668kg.09gms 487kg.02gms 3kg.09gms 402kg.58gms 1560kg.78gms
April 382kg.52gms 310kg.69gms 8kg.33gms 67kg.63gms 769kg.17gms
May 525kg.50gms 492kg.02gms 16kg.09gms 164kg.34gms 1197kg.95gms
June 584kg.51gms 563kg.88gms 19kg.44gms 183kg.8gms 1351kg.63gms
July 543kg.22gms 414kg.28gms 19kg.57gms 216kg.08gms 1193kg.15gms
August 565kg.54gms 425kg.47gms 6kg.35gms 210kg.53gms 1207kg.89gms
September 555kg.26gms 408kg.84gms 10kg.32gms 187kg.76gms 1162kg.18gms
October 587kg.99gms 522kg.41gms 10kg.01gms 146kg.84gms 1267kg.34gms
November 473kg.86gms 383kg.00gms 7kg.73gms 167kg.26gms 1031kg.85gms
December 504kg.72gms 395kg.28gms 8kg.0.3gms 198kg.98gms 1107kg.01gms

Monthly Report - 2019

Month Yellow Category Red Category White Category (Translucent) Blue Category Total Bio-Medical Waste
January 711kg.84gms 536kg.71gms 27kg.54gms 413kg.03gms 1689kg.12gms
February 789kg.06gms 615kg.33gms 21kg.33gms 479kg.26gms 1904kg.98gms
March 1184kg.01gms 648kg.68gms 8kg.43gms 548kg.99gms 2390kg.11gms
April 1463kg.03gms 542kg.66gms 25kg.00gms 599kg.55gms 2630kg.24gms
May 815kg.35gms 567kg.9gms 8kg.9gms 649kg.35gms 2041kg.5gms
June 720kg.36gms 461kg.76gms 19kg.71gms 479kg.12gms 1680kg.95gms
July 745kg.03gms 494kg.77gms 20kg.05gms 515kg.02gms 1774kg.87gms
August 705kg.46gms 660kg.64gms 9kg.71gms 563kg.55gms 1939kg.36gms
September 755kg.67gms 585kg.36gms 27kg.91gms 524kg.85gms 1893kg.79gms
October 784kg.13gms 600kg.95gms 7kg.65gms 625kg.73gms 2018kg.46gms
November 838kg.65gms 586kg.3gms 9kg.76gms 575kg.27gms 2009kg.98gms
December 506kg.73gms 404kg.47gms 4kg.00gms 384kg.04gms 1299kg.24gms

Annual Report of Biomedical Waste (1st January 2018 to 31st December 2018)