“Ragging” means any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.
Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established by the Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution, the possible punishments for those found guilty of ragging at the institution level shall be any one or any combination of the following:
Cancellation of admission
Suspension from attending classes
Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits
Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process
Withholding results
Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc
Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel
Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters
Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution
Fine upto Rs.2,50,000
Collective punishment: When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential raggers
PIMS Anti Ragging Committee
Nodal Officer |
Dr. H. K. Cheema Professor and Head, OBG Contact: +91-9915337977 Email: drhkcheema@gmail.com |
Office Address: Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Garha Road, Jalandhar – 144006 |
Residence: 911, Baba Isher Singh Nagar, Dhina, Jalandhar Cantt, Punjab India – 144005 |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation & Department | Contact No. | Email ID | |
1 | Dr. Rajiv Arora | Director Principal |
Chairperson, Head of the Institution |
8054603009 | drrajivarora@yahoo.com |
5 | S. Gurpreet Singh | ACP, Jalandhar | Member, Representative of Civil and Police Administration |
9914383838 9592918123 |
3 | Dr. Gurdarshan Singh Joneja | Medical Superintendent | Member, Representative of Faculty Member | 8900405146 | gsjoneja@yahoo.com |
4 | Dr. H. K. Cheema | Professor & Head, OBG | Member, Representative of Faculty Member | 9915337977 | drhkcheema@gmail.com |
5 | Dr. Tania Moudgil | Professor, Opthalmology & Assistant Hostel Superintendent – Girls Hostel | Member, Representative of Faculty Member | 8054421100 | taniamoudgil1981@gmail.com |
6 | Dr. Rakesh Kumar | Professor, Pharmacology & Hostel Superintendent – Boys Hostel | Member, Representative of Faculty Member | 9501103835 | bagharakesh@gmail.com |
7 | Mr. Dilbagh Sallan | Representative of Local Media | Member, Representative of Local Media | 9815731075 | dilbaghsallan123456@gmail.com |
8 | Ms. Isham | Class Representative – Batch 2017 | Member, Representative of Senior Students | 8699424923 | isham.mittal1997@gmail.com |
9 | Mr. Jashandeep Singh | Class Representative – Batch 2018 | Member, Representative of Senior Students | 8199047789 | jasanchugh83448@gmail.com |
10 | Mr. Savi Taak | Class Representative – Batch 2019 | Member, Representative of Senior Students | 9814761004 | savitaak20@gmail.com |
11 | Mr. Sarthak Kumar | Class Representative – Batch 2020 | Member, Representative of Senior Students | 7015278976 | sarthak7kumar@gmail.com |
12 | S. Manjit Singh | Parents of Student | Member, Representative of Parents | 9855033989 | manjitsingh.pm@gmail.com |
13 | Mr. Satvir | Office Assistant | Member, Representative of Non-Teaching Staff | ||
14 | Mrs. Perminder Beri | NGO | Member, Non Government Organizations involved in youth activities | 9814061431 | pehal2011_1@gmail.com |
15 | Class Representative – Batch 2021 (Boys) | Students representative of Batch 2021 (Boys) | Member, Representative of students belonging to fresher’s category | ||
16 | Class Representative – Batch 2021 (Girls) | Students representative of Batch 2021 (Girls) | Member, Representative of students belonging to fresher’s category |
No of Ragging Cases reported to Anti Ragging Committee : Nil (Till Date)
Action taken by Anti Ragging Committee : NA
Anti Ragging Guidelines
Anti Ragging Helpline
It’s mandatory for all the students to fill an online anti ragging undertaking (affidavit) at http://amanmovement.org following the step by step guide provided on the website.
Draft Regulations for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Medical Colleges/Institutions Regulations, 2021 | Form-III
Medical students to lodge the complaints with National Medical Commission also in addition to the concerned College/ Institute, following dedicated Email ID has been created by National Medical Commission: antiragging@nmc.org.in
Antiragging Committee | Anti-Ragging Flying Squad (Dated 9th December 2021)

PIMS Anti- Ragging Helpline number (24×7): 18004196001 (Toll Free)
National Anti-Ragging Helpline (24×7): 1800-180-5522 (Toll Free)
Website: www.antiragging.in
Email: helpline@antiragging.in
Email (NMC): antiragging@nmc.org.in